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Natural language processing previous year question paper(2009)

                    CS/B.Tech/(CSE)/SEM-8-April/CS-802B/2009                                               2009                     NATURAL LANGUAGE PROCESSING Time Allotted : 3 Hours                                                                    Full Marks : 70                                The figures in the margin indicate full marks.                Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words                                                 as far as practicable.                                    GROUP – A                 ( Multiple Choice Type Questions ) 1.  Choose the correct alternatives for the following.  10*1 = 10 i) / [ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ] / specifiees a) single digit b) multiple digit c) any digit d) none of these ii) colou?r mztches a) color b) color or colour c) colour d) none of these iii)  Minimum edit distance is computed by a) Phonology b) Dynamic programming c) Tautology d) Hidden Markov Model ( HMM )
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Natural language processing previous year question paper(2011)

                    CS/B.Tech/(CSE)/SEM-8/CS-802B/2011                                               2011                     NATURAL LANGUAGE PROCESSING Time Allotted : 3 Hours                                                                    Full Marks : 70                                The figures in the margin indicate full marks.                Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words                                                 as far as practicable.                                    GROUP – A                 ( Multiple Choice Type Questions ) 1.  Choose the correct alternatives for the following.  10*1 = 10 i)  Word probability is calculated by a) Likelihood probability b) Prior probability c) Baye's rule d) none of these. ii) The use of the period (.) is to specify a) any context b) any number c) any character d) none of these. iii)  Minimum edit distance is computed by a) Phonology b) Dynamic programming

Natural language processing previous year question paper (2012)

                    CS/B.Tech/(CSE)/SEM-8/CS-802B/2012                                               2012                     NATURAL LANGUAGE PROCESSING Time Allotted : 3 Hours                                                                    Full Marks : 70                                The figures in the margin indicate full marks.                Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words                                                 as far as practicable.                                    GROUP – A                 ( Multiple Choice Type Questions ) 1.  Choose the correct alternatives for the following.  10*1 = 10 i) The use of the period (.) is to specify a) any context b) any number c) any character d) none of these. ii)  Word probability is calculated by a) Likelihood probability b) Prior probability c) Baye's rule d) none of these. iii)  Minimum edit distance is computed by a) Phonology b) Dynamic programming

Natural language processing Previous Year Question paper(2010)

                    CS/B.Tech/CSE/SEM-8/CS-802B/2010                                               2010                     NATURAL LANGUAGE PROCESSING Time Allotted : 3 Hours                                                                        Full Marks : 70                                         The figures in the margin indicate full marks.                       Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words                                                        as far as practicable.                                    GROUP – A                 ( Multiple Choice Type Questions ) 1.  Choose the correct alternatives for the following.  10*1 = 10 i)  Word probability is calculated by a) Likelihood probability b) Prior probability c) Baye's rule d) none of these. ii)  Viterbi algorithm is used in a) speech processing b) Language processing c) Speech & Language processing d) none of these. iii)  Minimum edit distance is comp

Natural language processing Previous year question paper(2013)

                    CS/B.Tech/CSE/SEM-8/CS-802F/2013                                               2013                     NATURAL LANGUAGE PROCESSING Time Allotted : 3 Hours                                                                                   Full Marks : 70                                          The figures in the margin indicate full marks.                            Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words                                                      as far as practicable.                                                      GROUP – A                                   ( Multiple Choice Type Questions ) 1.  Choose the correct alternatives for the following.  10*1 = 10 i) Minimum edit distance is computed by a) Phonology b) Dynamic programming c) Tautology d) Hidden Markov Model ( HMM ). ii) Word probability is calculated by a) Likelihood probability b) Prior probability c) Baye's rule d) none of these. iii) V

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