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Showing posts with the label Linux Solution

How To Clean System Cache using Terminal Command on Ubuntu 18.04 and Linux mint or Debian Linux

How To Clean System Cache using Terminal Command on Ubuntu 18.04 and Linux mint or Debian Linux we all have to clean once a month system cache this is good for our machine . this is not tough you have to follow few steps .  Step 1 : To check the amount of space being used for package storage . Command:  du -h /var/cache/apt/ Step 2 : To remove these Extra packages stored here run . command: sudo apt-get clean Step 3 : To remove packages expired no longer available for download, normally you don't keep these . Run Command: sudo apt-get autoclean Step 4 : Remove packages that were used to satify dependencies for applications that are no longer needed run Command :  sudo apt-get autoremove Step 5 : Press Y then enter Step 6 : Check you System Cache clean or not ? Command : du -h /var/cache/apt/

How to install Torrent using Linux Termianl Command on Ubuntu 18.04 and Linux mint or Debian Linux

How to install Torrent using Linux Termianl on Ubuntu 18.04 and Linux mint or Debian Linux install torrent using terminal commands is very easy . if you are a computer science engineer or a Linux lover then you have to know all commands on Linux or maximum command on Linux . using Linux commands is very good . so in this article i will show you how to install torrent using Linux terminal Don't worry it is very easy . you just follow few steps . Step 1 : open a terminal ( Ctrl + Alt + t ) step 2 :  write this command on you Linux terminal . Sudo apt-get install  qbittorrent qbittorrent is a very good Linux software . Maximum Linux user are use this software for torrent download .

How to install Torrent Without terminal Command on Ubuntu 18.04 and Linux mint or Debian Linux

How to install Torrent  Without terminal Command  on Ubuntu 18.04 and Linux mint or Debian Linux To install Torrent you just follow few steps. don't worry steps are very easy . Step 1 : open Ubuntu software from menu or by search . Step 2 : Search qBittorren t and install it. qBittorrent is very good torrent software . after install you see this Click on launch .

How To Remove or uninstall Ubuntu Cleaner From Ubuntu 18.04

           How To Remove Ubuntu Cleaner From Ubuntu 18.04 Remove or uninstall Ubuntu Cleaner is very easy . you just follow few steps .  Step 1 : open a terminal (Ctrl + Alt + t ) Step 2 : Write this command  Sudo apt remove ubuntu-cleaner on terminal and press enter and put password . after few seccond they asks (y/n)  you press y and then press enter

How to Clear Your system Cache on ubuntu 18.04 and linux mint or Debian Linux

How to Clear Your system Cache in Ubuntu 18.04 and Linux mint or Debian Linux we all are need to delete cache once a month . Clean Cache is good for system . in this article i will show you how to clean system cache this is very easy  you just follow few's step. Step 1 : open a terminal ( Ctrl + Alt + t ) Step 2 : copy and paste and press enter those 3 Linux Command in your terminal one by one . sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gerardpuig/ppa after press enter you have o press again enter sudo apt update sudo apt install ubuntu-cleaner Step 3 : Now open Ubuntu Cleaner which from menu or by search you install now. step 4 : Click All which you want to delete.  Thank you.

How To Turn on WiFi On Ubuntu Linux or Linux Mint

                   How To Turn on WiFi On Ubuntu Linux or Linux Mint Turn On and turn Off WiFi is very easy.  You need to Follow few step. Lets's start step 1 : open your setting step 2 :  click on WIFI option   Step 3 : go top of right side corner and click on turn on button if you click on turn on button then your WIFI will be on.

How to Know Bluetooth on or off on your Linux Machine Using Terminal

              How to Know Bluetooth on or of on your Linux  Machine This is very simple to know is your Bluetooth on or off using Terminal any kind of Linux like ubuntu or Linux mint or Debian Linux etc. step 1 : open a terminal and type or paste this command                sudo apt install tlp then press enter and type your password . the type y and press enter button. then automatic this software install on your laptop or desktop machine. step 2 : check your Bluetooth on or off. Type on this terminal Bluetooth and press enter that will show you your Bluetooth current status . My machine bluetooth is on that is why show result on. thank you. i hope this Article will help you.

How To Turn on Bluetooth without using Terminal on Linux

                    How To Turn on Bluetooth without using Terminal on Linux  Turn on Bluetooth without  using terminal is very easy just you have to know your Linux system setting very well . Step 1: go your setting option Step 2 : Choose Bluetooth Option Step 3 : Look at top of Right side Corner Click on On button If You want to OFF Bluetooth the press Off Button . this is very easy. thank you. i hope This Article help you .

How To Check Your Internet Connection Speed using linux terminal

How To Check Your Internet Connection Speed using linux terminal this is very easy to using linux terminal knowing internet connection speed . this is not nesseary to see  network speed through linux terminal. you can see via online by just typing speed test etc.  but in if you are a computer engineer and you have lot"s of interest of knowing linux then you can use this step. Step 1: At First you have to install python pip . if your machine already have install python pip then you dont need.  Install pip  sudo apt-get install python-pip step 2: Type This Code  on Your linux terminal Install Speedtest-cli: sudo pip install speedtest-cli step 3: Check your network speed type on linux terminal speedtest-cli

How to Create WIFI Hotspot from Ubuntu 18.04 on laptop Step by Step

How to create WIFI Hotspot on ubuntu 18.04 laptop to create a WIFI Hotspot in ubuntu 18.04 , you should be first connect via lan. then follow just few steps step1:  click on the top right buttons and click on WiFi option and then click on WiFi setting click on WI-FI setting step2:  first "Turn on" your WIFI and them Click those "three lines" step 3: click on "Turn o WiFi Hotspot" option step4: click ok Turn on the Hotspot now active on your laptop. and you can see the password and network name . thank you. i hope you understand.

Update Ubuntu Linux and Linux Mint with out Terminal

Update Ubuntu Linux and Linux Mint with out Terminal step1: go your Linux operating system menu and open software update step2: check your software update available or not. if available then press enter and put your password . after putting password press enter and the system will start automatically update

Update Ubuntu Linux , Linux Mint with help of Terminal

Update Ubuntu Linux , Linux Mint with help of Terminal updating system is very good. you have to update our system every  once week . this is very easy you have to follow few steps. Step1: open a terminal (ctrl + alt + t) step2: write on terminal sudo apt-get update and press enter   step3: enter your password and press enter then automatically update your linux operating system if any update available  

Create a Text File using Terminal on ubuntu Linux , Linux Mint

Create a Text File using Terminal on ubuntu Linux , Linux Mint there are few steps, you have to flow this steps. Step 1 : open a Terminal (ctrl + alt +t) Step 2 : write gedit filename.x Command on terminal (X can be anything like c, java, py, cpp) and press enter button.   write your code here and save it.

Compile and run a c program on Ubuntu Linux, Linux Mint, Debian Linux

How to Compile and run a c program on Ubuntu Linux, Linux Mint, Debian Linux Compile and run a c program is very easy, you have to follow some few staeps : step1. Open a terminal (ctrl + alt + t ) step2. To Compile type on terminal : gcc filename.c step3 . To run type on terminal : ./a.out