Time Allotted : 3 Hours Full Marks : 70
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words
as far as practicable.
( Multiple Choice Type Questions )
i) / [ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ] / specifiees
a) single digit
b) multiple digit
c) any digit
d) none of these
ii) colou?r mztches
a) color
b) color or colour
c) colour
d) none of these
a) Phonology
b) Dynamic programming
c) Tautology
d) Hidden Markov Model ( HMM ).
iv) Word probability is calculated by
a) Likelihood probability
b) Prior probability
c) Baye's rule
d) none of these.
v) Viterbi algorithm is used in
a) speech processing
b) Language processing
c) Speech & Language processing
d) none of these.
vi) In deleted interpolation algorithm, which symbol is used ?
a) α
b) β
c) γ
d) μ
vii) Entropy is used to
a) measure the information
b)correct the information
c) detect the information
d) handle the noise.
viii) Open class contains
a) nouns
c) both (a) and (b)
d) none of these
ix) Phrase Structure Grammar is used in
a) a) Regular Grammar
b) Context–Free Grammar ( CFG )
c) Context–Sensitive Grammar ( CSG )
d) None of these.
a) Transitive
c) both (a) & (b)
b) Intransitive
d) none of these.
( Short Answer Type Questions )
Answer any three of the following. 3*5=15
2) What is Regular Expression ? Write down the Regular
Expression for the following languages :
a) The set of all alphabetic strings
b) $ 199.99
c) 4.3 MHz.
Expression for the following languages :
a) The set of all alphabetic strings
b) $ 199.99
c) 4.3 MHz.
3 )Write down the differences between Inflectional Morphology
and Derivational Morphology with suitable example. What is
stem ? What is morpheme ?
4) Define two level Morphology with suitable example. Briefly
describe the different types of Error Handling mechanism.
and Derivational Morphology with suitable example. What is
stem ? What is morpheme ?
4) Define two level Morphology with suitable example. Briefly
describe the different types of Error Handling mechanism.
5) Why POS ( Part – of – Speech ) Tagging is required in NLP
( Natural Language Processing ) ? Briefly compare the Top – Down & Bottom – Up Parsing techniques.
6) Write down the concept of feature structure. What is
unification ? What is Word Sense Disambiguation ( WSD ) ?
9. a) Compute Minimum edit by hand. Figure out whether the word intention is closer to the word execution and calculate a minimum edit distance.
( Natural Language Processing ) ? Briefly compare the Top – Down & Bottom – Up Parsing techniques.
6) Write down the concept of feature structure. What is
unification ? What is Word Sense Disambiguation ( WSD ) ?
( Long Answer Type Questions )
Answer any three of the followin : 3*15 =45
7) a) What is Smoothing ? Why is it required ?
b) Write down the equation for trigram probability estimation.
c) Write down the equation for the discount d = c /c for add-one smoothing. Do the same thing used for Written Bell smoothing. How do they differ?
8) Find one tagging error in
each of the following sentence that are tagged with the
Penn Treebank tagset :
i) I/PRP need/VBP a/DT
flight/NN from/IN Atlana/NN
ii) Does/VBZ this/DT flight/NN
serve/VB dinner/NNS
iii) I/PRP have/VB a/DT
friend/NN living/VBG in/IN Denver/NNP.
b) Briefly describe the roles
of Finite State Transducer ( F S T ) with suitable
c) Define Prior probability
and likelihood probability using Bayesian Method.
d) What is Confusion Matrix ?
Why is it required in NLP ( Natural Language
Processing ) ? 9. a) Compute Minimum edit by hand. Figure out whether the word intention is closer to the word execution and calculate a minimum edit distance.
b) Estimate p ( t / c ) as follows (where c p is the pth character of the word c ) using Kernigham et al. four confusion matrices, one for each type of single error.
c) Briefly describe Hidden Markov Model ( HMM ).
d) Compare open class & closed class word groups with suitable examples.
10. a)Draw tree structure for the following ATIS sentences :
I perfer a morning flight
i want a morning flight
Using S-->NP VP
|Det Nominal
Nominal-->|Noun Nominal
|Verb NP
|Verb NP PP
| Verb PP
b) Write rules expressing the verbal subcategory of English auxiliaries with example.
d) How are Transformation Based Learning ( TBL ) Rules applied in NLP ( Natural Language Processing ) ?
11. Write short notes on any three of the following :
a) Two level morphology
b) Stochastic Part-of-Speech Tagging
c) HMM Tagging
d) Constituency & Agreement.
e) Problems with the basic top down parser
f) orthographic rules
f) orthographic rules
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