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What is B+ tree ?

                                   B+ Tree What is B+ Tree ? B+ Tree : A B+ tree is an N-ary tree with a variable but often earge number of children per node . A B+ tree Consist Three Thing                                                1) Root                                               2) Internal node                                               3) External node or leaf node A B+ tree can be viewed as a B-tree in which each node contain only keys and to an additional level is added at the bottom with linked leaves .                                                    Time Complexity of  B+ Tree   : Insertion , Deletion and searching all cases are take time in worst case is O( log n ) . Space Complexity  of  B+ Tree  : Space Complexity in worst Case is O(n) . Properties   of  B+ Tree  :                        b =  Order of the B+ Tree 

What Is B-tree

                                     B-tree What is B-tree ?  B-tree : A b-tree is a self-balancing Tree data Structure  . it maintains sorted data and allows searches , Sequential access , insertion and deletion in O( log n ) Time . Properties Of B-tree : A B-tree of order M is a tree which satisfied the following properties                          1) Every Node At most M children                         2) Every non-leaf node has at least ⌈ M /2⌉Child nodes .                         3) The root has at least two children if it is not a leaf node .                         4) A non-leaf node with k children contains k-1 keys .                         5) All leaves appear in the same level . Time Complexity Of B-tree : Insertion , deletion and searching all operation are worst case time complexity is O(log n) . Space Complexity Of B-tree : worst case is  O(n) . Advantage   Of B-tree :                             1) Keeps keys in sort

What is Splay Tree

                                Splay Tree What is Splay Tree ?  Splay Tree : A Splay Tree is a Self-Adjusting Binary search Tree with the additional property that recently accessed element are quick to access again . Time Complexity Of  Splay Tree   : average case = O( log n ) and worst case = O(n) .   Space Complexity  Of  Splay Tree    : both Cases Average and worst cases show O(n) . Advantage  Of  Splay Tree     :                            1) Comparable performance : Average case performance is as efficient ( O)log n ) ) .                           2) Small Memory footprint : Splay trees do not need to store any bookkeeping data . Disadvantage :                                   1) The height of Splay tree can be linear                                  2 ) worst case Time Complexity is O(n)

What Is Red-Black Tree

                          Red-Black Tree What is Red-Black Tree ? Red Black Tree : A Red Black Tree is a kind of Self-Balancing binary search Tree in Computer Science .  Properties :                             1)  Root node is always Black if Root Node is red then you have to change into black.                           2) each node either red or black .                           3) All leaves ( Nil ) are black .                           4) if a node is red then it's both children is black .                           5) every path from a given node to any its descendant nil node contains the same number of black nodes . Time Complexity : worst case = O( log n ) Space Complexity : Worst case = O( n ) Insertion : Insertion is very similar manner as a binary search tree . Insertion Follows few's property                                                          1) N is the root node , i.e , first node of the red black tree     

Top 10 Powerful Marvel Superhero on Marvel Universe of All Time

                              Top 10 Superhero on Marvel Universe All Superhero have some super power that's why we called them super hero. i think that 10 superhero in marvel universe are best and most powerful than all superhero.    1) Captain Marvel 2) Thor 3) Doctor Strange 4) Scarlet witch 5) dark phoenix 6) Charles Xavier 7) Iron Man 8) The Hulk 9) Wolverine 10) Captain America

Top 10 Zombie Movie and Movie Series

                           Top 10 Zombie Movie  and Movie Series our movie universe lots of zombie movie but in this article i will say only best 10 movie . these all movie are very good movie. 1) the Horde 2) Dawn of the dead (2004 & 1978) 3) Rammbock 4) Diary of the dead 5) Resident evil 6) Planet Terror 7) World war Z 8) Rec 9) The Dead 10) 28 Weeks Letter

Top 10 Movie Series Of All Time

                            Top 10 Movie Series Of All Time these all movie are best movie series you have top watch at least one time . 1) Harry Potter 2) The Lord Of The Ring 3) pirates of Caribbean 4) X-Men 5) Twilight 6) Star war 7 ) James bond 8) Mission impossible 9) Resident Evil 10) underworld