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what is Triple DES?

Triple DES uses three different keys and three executions of DES algorithm. The algorithm is Cipher text = E k3 [D k2 [E k1 [Plain Text]]] where E k [X] = DES Encryption of X using key K and D k [X] = DES Decryption of X using key K Remember that in DES Decryption of encrypted plain text with a different key is almost same as another encryption. This is true as encryption and decryption use the same algorithm. To decrypt cipher text we reverse the operations. Plain text = D k1 [E k2 [D k3 [Cipher Text]]] Block Diagram of Triple DES:   Using DES thrice is equivalent to having a DES key length of 168 bits. Brute force method to break triple DES with 106 decrypts per micro second will take 5.9 X 10 30 years! Even at 1012 fold increase in computer speed will make triple DES secure against brute force attacks to break code The only reason D is used as middle step in triple DES is to allow decryption of data encrypted using single DES hardware. In this case K

Type Licensing model of E-Commerce

Various type of E-commerce platform falls into several industry classifications based upon their licensing , sales scenario and data exchange . Type of licensing model : 1) On-premises E-commerce : On-premises e-commerce software usually requires initial one time purchase investment in terms of licensing fees. Also, it implies extra costs related to hardware and installation services as well as data migration and on-going maintenance fees that are usually charged on a yearly basis for software updates and support . Advantage : Easily customizable Data security High performance Disadvantages: Large initial investment Self-maintenance Technical knowledge 2) Software as a Service (SaaS) E-commerce : Software as a Service (SaaS) is a cloud based delivery model in which applications are hosted and managed in a service provider's data center, paid for on a subscription basis and accessed via a browser over an internet connection .   Advant

Digital Encryption Standard(DES)

Digital Encryption Standard(DES) : Proposed by IBM in 1975 Standardized by US Govt in 1977 It is a combination of permutation and substitution on blocks of 64 bits. A message is broken up into 64 bit blocks and each block is separately encrypted. #General idea used in DES M = PLAINTEXT        01101100 11011000 11011010 K = KEY                      10101111 00101100 01011011 E = M ⊕ K                   11000011 11110100 10000001 encryption M= E ⊕ K                    01101100 11011000 11011010 decryption Digital Encryption Standard(DES) Algorithm :  Before applying DES the text is split up into the 64 bit blocks. DES applied on each 64 bit block. Encryption method Step 1 : Apply an initial permutation on a block.Result is B=IP(P)               where P is the 64 bit block IP Initial Permutation function and                B the result. Step 2: Split B into 32 bit blocks               Li = leftmost 32 bits               Ri = rightmost 32 bits. Step 3: Pick

Business To Business E -Commerce

Business To Business E -Commerce :   Local LAN of business would normally follow TCP/IP protocol of internet and is called corporate intranet.  Purchase order entered by business1 in its PC and electronically dispatched to vendor (by e-mail).  Vendor acknowledges electronically the order.  Vendor dispatches goods (physically) and delivery note electronically to business1  Business 1 can compare delivery note against order -both are in computer readable form  Discrepancy note(if any) can be immediately sent to the vendor(business 2)  Business 1 can carry out all local transactions using its LAN  Local transactions are inventory update by stores - advice to accounts to pay for goods taken into stock.  Accounts can make payment electronically to Vendor.      Implementing B2B E-Commerce requirements : .Agreed on formats for Purchase order, delivery note, payment order etc. Standard known as EDI (Electronic Data Interchange Standard) is used to send documents ele

Electronic Data interchange(EDI)

Electronic Data interchange(EDI) : Computer readable forms for business documents such as invoices, purchase orders, delivery notes needed in B2B e-commerce so that e- documents can be exchanged. Essential to eliminate manual data entry, which is error prone Essential to agree on common formats for commonly used forms. Electronic data interchange (EDI) standard gives specifications for commonly used standard business forms. It is possible to adapt these standards for documents which use XML for specification. Electronic Data interchange(EDI) Specification : Defines several hundred transaction sets corresponding to each type of business document such as invoice, purchase order etc. Defines data segments - corresponding to groups of data elements such as purchase order line. Defines data elements - which are individual fields such as price, quantity etc. Electronic Data interchange(EDI)Standards :    ANSI X.12 standard proposed by American National Standards Institu

What is E-Commerce ?

DEFINITION : Sharing business information, maintaining business relationships and conducting business transactions using computers connected to a telecommunication network is called E-Commerce. CLASSIFICATION : CLASSIFIED AS :  BUSINESS TO BUSINESS (B2B)                                                                   BUSINESS TO CUSTOMER (B2C)                                                                   CUSTOMER TO CUSTOMER (C2C) E-Commerce Application Example : RETAIL STORES - Books, Music AUCTION SITES COOPERATING BUSINESSES –Placing orders, paying invoices etc. ELECTRONIC BANKING BOOKING TICKETS - TRAINS, CINEMA, AIRLINES ELECTRONIC PUBLISHING FILLING TAX RETURNS WITH GOVERNMENT DEPT. Advantage of E-Commerce : Buying/selling a variety of goods and services from one's home or business. Anywhere, anytime transaction. Can look for lowest cost for specific goods or service. Businesses can reach out to worldwide clients - can establish business

What is Multimedia ?

                               Multimedia What is Multimedia ? Multimedia : Multimedia is a Software Technology That Combines different media like sound , video , images and Text either separately or in combine manner. Multimedia means that computer information can be represented through audio, video & animation in addition to traditional media(Text,Graphics,Drawing,Images) Multimedia is Computer Based Interactive Communication Process. Multimedia refers More than one media.