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how to Install Numpy, Pandas and matplotlib on ubuntu 18.04 and Linux Mint

Install Python, NumPy,Matplotlib for Python 3 on Ubuntu 18.04, Linux Mint, Debian Linux. This is a short article about installing Numpy, Pandas , Matplotlib, Python3 on the latest Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, Linux Mint, Debian Linux which comes with Python 3.6.5. Let’s start by making sure we have an updated system: 1 sudo apt update 2 sudo apt upgrade Now, let’s install NumPy, Pandas,Matplotlib : sudo apt-get install python-pip sudo pip install numpy sudo pip install pandas sudo pip install matplotlib Test numpy : Open up a Terminal in Your Linux Operating System by running the following: python3 At the Terminal, type the following: >>> import numpy as np >>> np.__version__ '1.13.3'   Test Pandas : Open up a Terminal in Your Linux Operating System by running the following: python3 At the Terminal, type the following: >>> import pandas as pd >>> pd.__version__ '0.22.0'   Test Matpl