To implement communication between Client and Server using the UDP protocol and datagrams TServer import*; import*; import java.util.*; public class TServer { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{ DatagramSocket ss = new DatagramSocket(1234); while(true){ System.out.println("Server is up...."); byte[] rd=new byte[100]; byte[] sd=new byte[100]; DatagramPacket rp = new DatagramPacket(rd,rd.length); ss.receive(rp); InetAddress ip= rp.getAddress(); int port=rp.getPort(); Date d=new Date(); // getting system time String time= d + ""; // converting it to String sd=time.getBytes(); // converting that String to byte System.out.println(port); System.out.println(ip); DatagramPacket sp=new DatagramPacket(sd,sd.length,ip,port); ss.send(sp); rp=null; System.out.println("Done !! "); } } } TClient import*; imp...