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Showing posts from January, 2019

Java Socket Programming

  To implement communication between Client and Server using the UDP protocol and datagrams TServer import*; import*; import java.util.*; public class TServer { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{ DatagramSocket ss = new DatagramSocket(1234); while(true){ System.out.println("Server is up...."); byte[] rd=new byte[100]; byte[] sd=new byte[100]; DatagramPacket rp = new DatagramPacket(rd,rd.length); ss.receive(rp); InetAddress ip= rp.getAddress(); int port=rp.getPort(); Date d=new Date(); // getting system time String time= d + ""; // converting it to String sd=time.getBytes(); // converting that String to byte System.out.println(port); System.out.println(ip); DatagramPacket sp=new DatagramPacket(sd,sd.length,ip,port); ss.send(sp); rp=null; System.out.println("Done !! "); } } }   TClient import*; imp...

How to Rename or change the Table Name

Rename Table is simple , so in this page i show you how to rename a table after creation. so let's start Answer: A. SQL> STUD to Students; Table renamed. SQL> SELECT * FROM STUDENTS; ID    NAME          BRANCH ---------------------------------------------- 237   Bishakha     cse 224   Punam        cse 228   Owendrela  cse 212   Subham      cse 214   Shilpa         cse 6 rows selected.

How to Insert Record into Table

 How to Insert Record into Table In the previous example i shown you how to create a table using Sql. in this page i will show you how to insert one value or more than one value in a table. let's start Answer: SQL> Insert into stud values(&id,'&name','&branch); Enter value for id: 237 Enter value for name: Bishakha Enter value for branch:cse old 1: insert into stud values(&id,'&name','&branch') new 1: insert into stud values(237,'Bishakha','cse') Enter value for id: 224 Enter value for name: Punam Enter value for branch:cse old 1: insert into stud values(&id,'&name','&branch') new 1: insert into stud values(224,'Punam','cse') 1 row created. Enter value for id: 228 Enter value for name: Owendrela Enter value for branch:cse old 1: insert into stud values(&id,'&name','&branch') new 1: insert i...

Create a Studetnt Table

Make a Student Table with certain  necessary data like student id, student name, Branch Name. in this page i will show you how to create a simple table using SQl, So let's start Answer:   SQL> create table stud   <   ID NUMBER,   NAME VARCHAR2<20>,   BRANCH VARCHAR2<20>   >; Table created. Output:

Create User Name and Password on SQL Server Database Using SQL Plus

Create User Name and Password on SQL Server Database Using SQL Plus SQL plus: Release – Production on wed Feb 7 20:23:26 2018 Copyright <c> 1982. 2005, Oracle. All right reserved. Enter user-name: system Enter password: Connected to: Oracle Database 10g Express Edition Release – Production SQL> create user Subham identified by sql; User created. SQL> grant dba to Subham; Grant succeeded. SQL> disconnected; Disconnected from Oracle Databse 10 g Express Edition Release – Production SQL> connect; Enter user-name: Subham Enter password: Connected. SQL>

C Program Converts Temperature Celsius to Fahrenheit

Write a program to C Program Converts Temperature Celsius to Fahrenheit Code:  #include<stdio.h> void main(){ int cel,far; printf("enter temparature in celsius : "); scanf("%d", &cel); far=((1.8*cel) + 32); printf("farenhait temparature is : %d\n",far); } Output: 

C program Print Prime Number between 0 to 100

How to print prime number Between 0 to 100 Code: #include<stdio.h> void main(){ int i,j; for(i=2;i<100;i++){ for(j=2;j<=i;j++){ if(i==j) printf("%d\n",i); else if(i%j == 0) break; } } } Output: